02 July, 2008

Blows Me Away

I found this clip awhile ago and it got me thinking about how foolish some people are. No matter how many times I watch, I'm still surprised by these responses.

On another note, in the same vain (but not the racist part like above)

The other night I was talking with a lady about snowboarding and traveling. This ladies daughter is an up and coming Boardercross racer who trains with the United States Olympic Team. At an age of only seventeen her daughter spends the year racing at locations all-over the globe. From time to time her mother is able to also travel with her daughter.

So, as we were chatting she mentioned that she traveled to Germany this past year. Although she did not care for Germany she did love Munich. As we were talking I got the impression she was unsure about what country Munich was in. She then went on to say that she loved the country of Europe. I quickly corrected her and said Europe is a Continent, but she did not flinch. Maybe the saddest thing of all 'tho, was when she thought the "Iraq" war was actually taking place in Kuwait.

I sure hope her daughter is getting a better education than her mom did.

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